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National Collegiate Soils Contest 2007—Logan, Utah
Amber, Kent, Corry, and Justin (L to R) work together at a practice site.
Amber collects a sample from the soil pit at a practice site.
Cody tests a sample for effervescence during practice.
Cody, Kent, and Randy discuss horizon breaks during the group judging.
Corry works to complete her profile description at a practice site.
Kent, Kim, Corry, and Randy participated in the individual contest. They led the Team to a third place finish. Corry placed second in the individual competition, while Randy placed fourth.
Justin's ability to carry his teammates was incredible.
The scenery was spectacular.
Randy and Cody review their decisions during the group judging.
Randy, Tony, and Justin pause along the trail. The snow cover increased as we gained elevation.
Snow fell the morning of the individual contest.
It was a fantastic trip. We had the opportunity to study fascinating soils.
The 2007 WVU Soils Team: (front, L to R) Kent, Corry, Justin; (back) Randy, Amber, Cody, Kim, Tony
Team members discuss their observations at a practice site.
It wasn't all practice, as we made time for a couple hikes. Tony and Justin consult the map.
Tony reviews his scorecard at a practice site.
We enjoyed the beautiful landscape.