Josh, Chris, and Katey (l to r) confer during group the judging.
The Team discusses their observations during the group judging contest.
Jared evaluates the consistence of a sample during practice.
Jared completes his scorecard at a practice site.
Jared estimates the texture of a sample during the group judging.
Josh determines the Munsell color for one of his samples at a practice site.
Josh studies the soil profile in the pit at one of the practice sites.
Josh estimates the rock fragment content of a sample.
Josh evaluates the sand content of a sample at one of the practice sites.
Katey looks for horizon boundaries in one of the practice pits.
Sarah calculates available water capacity during the individual contest.
Sarah collects a sample from the second horizon.
Victoria and Katey discuss their observations during practice.
Victoria determines the texture of a sample during practice.