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James Thompson, PhD
Professor of Soil Science



Thompson, J.A., C. Perry, S. DeGloria, T. Prescott, and A. Moore. 2008. Soil Property Mapping using Legacy Data and Pedometric Techniques: A Case Study Approach. Poster presentation at the 2008 American Society of Agronomy Annual Meetings, Houston, TX, October 5-9, 2008.

Jones, M., M. Harman, J.A. Thompson, and E.M. Pena-Yewtukhiw. 2008. Seasonal Infiltration and Subsurface Water Dynamics Across Benchmark Soil Catenas of Eastern West Virginia. Poster presentation at the 2008 American Society of Agronomy Annual Meetings, Houston, TX, October 5-9, 2008.

Roecker, S.M. and J.A. Thompson. 2008. Scale Effects on Terrain Attribute Calculation and their Use as Environmental Covariates for Digital Soil Mapping. Oral presentation at the 3rd Global Workshop on Digital Soil Mapping in Logan, UT, September 30-October 3, 2008.

Jones, M., M. Harman, J.A. Thompson, and E.M. Pena-Yewtukhiw. 2008. Seasonal Infiltration and Subsurface Water Dynamics Across Benchmark Soil Catenas of Eastern West Virginia. Poster presentation at the 1st International Conference on Hydropedology in State College, PA, July 28-31, 2008.

Thompson, J.A., M. Harman, J. Beard, and S. Carpenter. 2008. Preferential Flow and Phosphorus Translocation in Benchmark Soils of West Virginia. Oral presentation at the NE Regional Cooperative Soil Survey Conference, Narragansett, RI, June 2-5, 2008.

Prescott, T.M., J.A. Thompson, J.W. Bell, W.J. Waltman, S.G. Carpenter, and T.A. Craul. 2008. Mapping the Mesic-Frigid Boundary in the Eastern Allegheny Plateau and Mountains (MLRA 127). Poster presentation at the NE Regional Cooperative Soil Survey Conference, Narragansett, RI, June 2-5, 2008.

Jones, M., J.A. Thompson, A. Jenkins, and S. Carpenter. 2008. Influence of Parent Material on Nutrient Status of Forested Soils. Poster presentation at the NE Regional Cooperative Soil Survey Conference, Narragansett, RI, June 2-5, 2008.


Harman, M.B., J.A. Thompson, E.M. Pena-Yewtukhiw, and S.G. Carpenter. 2007. Preferential Flow Patterns and Variability in Soil Phosphorus Profile Data in Selected West Virginia Benchmark Soils. Poster presentation at the 2007 American Society of Agronomy Annual Meetings, New Orleans, LA, November 4-8, 2007.

Hempel, J. and J.A. Thompson. 2007. Producing Soil Property Information for the World. Oral presentation at the 2007 American Society of Agronomy Annual Meetings, New Orleans, LA, November 4-8, 2007.

Moore, A., D. Kautz, J. Hempel, J.A. Thompson, J. Burt, C. Rasmussen, and A. Zhu. 2007. The Natural Resources Conservation Service’s Digital Soil Mapping Challenge. Oral presentation at the 2007 American Society of Agronomy Annual Meetings, New Orleans, LA, November 4-8, 2007.

Moore, A., B. Slater, J.A. Thompson, J. Galbraith, and D. Howell. 2007. Announcing the Formation of a Digital Soil Mapping Working Group in the United States. Poster presentation at the 2007 American Society of Agronomy Annual Meetings, New Orleans, LA, November 4-8, 2007.

Pena-Yewtukhiw, E.M., J.H. Grove, and J.A. Thompson. 2007. Scale Optimization of the Relationships between Primary Terrain Attributes and Corn Grain Yield in Rolling Landscapes. Oral presentation at the 2007 American Society of Agronomy Annual Meetings, New Orleans, LA, November 4-8, 2007.

Roecker, S.M., and J.A. Thompson. 2007. Soil Spatial Prediction using Multi-scale Terrain Analysis in the Appalachian Mountains of West Virginia. Poster presentation at the 2007 American Society of Agronomy Annual Meetings, New Orleans, LA, November 4-8, 2007.


Thompson, J.A., A.C. Moore, R.E. Austin, and E.M. Pena-Yewtukhiw. 2006. Multiscale Terrain Analysis to Improve Landscape Characterization and Soil Mapping. Invited oral presentation at the 2006 World Congress of Soil Science, Philadelphia, PA, July 9-15, 2006.

Prescott, T.M., J.A. Thompson, J.C. Sencindiver, W.J. Waltman, D.A. Miller, S.G. Carpenter, and S.W. Waltman. 2006. Soil Climate Regimes of West Virginia. Poster presentation at the 2006 World Congress of Soil Science, Philadelphia, PA, July 9-15, 2006.

Roecker, S.M., and J.A. Thompson. 2006. Digital Soil Mapping in the Upper Gauley Watershed on the Monongahela National Forest in West Virginia. Poster presentation at the 2006 American Society of Agronomy Annual Meetings, Indianapolis, IN, November 12-16, 2006.

Pena-Yewtukhiw, E.M., J.A. Thompson, and J.H. Grove. 2006. Short, Intermediate and Large Scale Variance in Selected Properties of Crider Soils in Kentucky’s Pennyroyal Physiographic Region. Poster presentation at the 2006 American Society of Agronomy Annual Meetings, Indianapolis, IN, November 12-16, 2006.

Harman, M.B., J.A. Thompson, E.M. Pena-Yewtukhiw, and S.G. Carpenter. 2006. Preferential Flow and Phosphorus Translocation in West Virginia Benchmark Soils. Poster presentation at the 2006 American Society of Agronomy Annual Meetings, Indianapolis, IN, November 12-16, 2006.

Thompson, J.A. and P. Hodza. 2006. Technology Development at the National Geospatial Development Center. Invited oral presentation at the 2006 West Virginia Conservation Partnership Conference, Charleston, WV, October 24-26, 2006.

Hempel, J.W, R.D. Hammer, A.C. Moore, J. Bell, J.A. Thompson, and M. Golden. 2006. Challenges to Digital Soil Mapping. Oral presentation at the 2nd Global Workshop on Digital Soil Mapping. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 4-7, 2006


Thompson, J.A., S.W. Waltman, J.C. Sencindiver, D.K. Bhumbla, and S.G. Carpenter. 2005. Mapping Soil Phosphorus Adsorption Capacity in West Virginia. Poster presentation at the 2005 American Society of Agronomy Annual Meetings, Salt Lake City, UT, Nov. 6-10, 2005.


Thompson, J.A., R.E. Austin, and E.M. Pena-Yewtukhiw. 2004. Quantitative soil-landscape modeling using multi-scale terrain analysis. Oral presentation at the 2004 American Society of Agronomy Annual Meetings, Seattle, WA, Oct. 31-Nov. 4, 2004.

Anderson, E.S., J.A. Thompson, D.A. Crouse, and R.K. Kolka. 2004. Spatial models of soil carbon in a forested ecosystem of eastern North Carolina. Poster presentation at the 2004 American Society of Agronomy Annual Meetings, Seattle, WA, Oct. 31-Nov. 4, 2004.

Allen, H.L., N. Gonzalez-Sullow, T. Fox, and J.A. Thompson. 2004. Effect of continuous fertilization on nitrate retention in forest soils. Poster presentation at the 2004 American Society of Agronomy Annual Meetings, Seattle, WA, Oct. 31-Nov. 4, 2004.

Anderson, E.S., J.A. Thompson, D.A. Crouse, and R.E. Austin. 2004. Compilation and error analysis of a LiDAR-based digital elevation model for the Hofmann Forest. Poster presentation at the 45th Annual Meeting of the Soil Science Society of North Carolina, Raleigh, NC. January 14-15, 2004.


Thompson, J.A., R.E. Austin, and E.S. Anderson. 2003. Terrain analysis at multiple scales: Effects on terrain attribute calculation and quantitative soil-landscape modeling. Poster presentation at the 2003 American Society of Agronomy Annual Meetings, Denver, CO, Nov. 1-6, 2003.

Anderson, E.S., J.A. Thompson, D.A. Crouse, and R.E. Austin. 2003. Compilation and error analysis of a LiDAR-based digital elevation model for the Hofmann Forest. Poster presentation at the 2003 American Society of Agronomy Annual Meetings, Denver, CO, Nov. 1-6, 2003.

Pena-Yewtukhiw, E.M., J.H. Grove, and J.A. Thompson. 2003. Corn grain yield in rolling landscapes: Terrain attributes or surface soil properties?. Oral presentation at the 2003 American Society of Agronomy Annual Meetings, Denver, CO, Nov. 1-6, 2003.


Thompson, J.A., E.M. Pena-Yewtukhiw, and J.H. Grove. 2002. Soil-landscape modeling for defining landform management segments transferable across a physiographic region. Poster presentation at the Sixth International Conference on Precision Agriculture and Other Precision Resource Management, Minneapolis, MN, July 14-17, 2002.

Kolka, R.K., J.A. Thompson, A.C. Abnee, and E.S. Anderson.. 2002. Soil-landscape modeling of carbon storage and soil respiration rates: Scaling point data to the landscape scale. Oral presentation at the 2002 American Society of Agronomy Annual Meetings, Indianapolis, IN, Nov. 10-14, 2002.

Pena-Yewtukhiw, E.M., J.H. Grove, and J.A. Thompson. 2002. Topographic interaction with nutrient mitigation of crop stress: Eight site-years on early planted corn response to starter in Kentucky-Pennyroyal Landscape. Poster presentation at the 2002 American Society of Agronomy Annual Meetings, Indianapolis, IN, Nov. 10-14, 2002.

Thompson, J.A., E.M. Pena-Yewtukhiw, and J.H. Grove. 2002. Soil-landscape modeling across a physiographic region: Topographic patterns and scales of soil variability. Oral presentation at the 2002 American Society of Agronomy Annual Meetings, Indianapolis, IN, Nov. 10-14, 2002.

Abnee, A.C, J.A. Thompson, and R.K. Kolka. 2002. Landscape and seasonal influences on soil respiration rates in forest soils of southeastern Kentucky. Poster presentation at the USDA Symposium on Natural Resource Management to Offset Greenhouse Gas Emissions Conference, Raleigh, NC, Nov. 19-21, 2002.

Thompson, J.A. and R.K. Kolka. 2002. Soil carbon storage estimation in central hardwood forest watersheds using quantitative soil-landscape modeling. Poster presentation at the USDA Symposium on Natural Resource Management to Offset Greenhouse Gas Emissions Conference, Raleigh, NC, Nov. 19-21, 2002.


Thompson, J. A., R. K. Kolka, A. C. Abnee, and E. M. D’Angelo. 2001. Modeling soil carbon storage and dynamics from a landscape perspective in forested watersheds. Oral presentation at the 2001 American Society of Agronomy Annual Meetings, Charlotte, NC, Oct. 21-25, 2001.

Abnee, A. C., J. A. Thompson, R. K. Kolka, M. S. Coyne, and E. M. D’Angelo. 2001. Soil respiration dynamics in forested landscapes of southeastern Kentucky. Poster presentation at the 2001 American Society of Agronomy Annual Meetings, Charlotte, NC, Oct. 21-25, 2001.

Pena-Yewtukhiw, E. M., J. H. Grove, and J. A. Thompson. 2001. A site-specific approach to improving the Kentucky phosphorus index. Oral presentation at the 2001 American Society of Agronomy Annual Meetings, Charlotte, NC, Oct. 21-25, 2001.

Coulter, C.B., J. A. Thompson and R. K. Kolka. 2001. Water quality implications of urban development in mixed-use watersheds. Poster presentation at the 2001 American Water Resources Association Conference, San Antonio, TX, April 30-May 2, 2001.