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James Thompson, PhD
Professor of Soil Science



Hempel, J.W, R.D. Hammer, A.C. Moore, J.C. Bell, J.A. Thompson, and M.L. Golden. 2008. Challenges to digital soil mapping. In A.E. Hartemink, A.B. McBratney, and M.L. Mendonça-Santos (eds.), Digital soil mapping with limited data. Developments in Soil Science series. Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, pp. 81-90.

Prescott, T.M., J.A. Thompson, W.J. Waltman, and T.A. Craul. 2008. Thinking Inside the (Tool) Box: Geomorphometric Analysis for the Soil Survey Update of Potter County, Pennsylvania. Soil Survey Horizons, 49:68-74.

Roecker, S.M. and J.A. Thompson. 2008. Scale Effects on Terrain Attribute Calculation and their Use as Environmental Covariates for Digital Soil Mapping. Proceedings of the 3 rd Global Workshop on Digital Soil Mapping in Logan, UT, September 30-October 3, 2008.


Pena-Yewtukhiw, E.M., J.A. Thompson, and J.H. Grove. 2007. The scale dependency of terrain attributes impacts their relationship to corn grain yield in rolling landscapes. In J.V. Stafford (ed.), Precision Agriculture’07. Wageningen Academic Press, pp:117-123.


Anderson, E.S., J.A. Thompson, D.A. Crouse, and R.E. Austin. 2006. Horizontal resolution and data density effects on remotely sensed LIDAR-based DEM. Geoderma, 132, 406-415.

Coyne, M.S. and J.A. Thompson. 2006. Fundamental Soil Science. Delmar Learning, Clifton Park, NY.

Coyne, M.S. and J.A. Thompson. 2006. Math for Soil Scientists. Delmar Learning, Clifton Park, NY.

Lin, H., J. Bouma, Y. Pachepsky, A. Western, J. Thompson, R. van Genuchten, H.-J. Vogel, and A. Lilly. 2006. Hydropedology: Synergistic Integration of Pedology and Hydrology. Water Resources Research, 42, W05301, doi:10.1029/2005WR004085.

Kolka, R.K. and J.A. Thompson. 2006. Wetland Geomorphology, Soils, and Formative Processes. Pp. 7-42. In D.P. Batzer and R.R. Sharitz (eds.) Ecology of Freshwater and Estuarine Wetlands. University of California Press, Berkeley, CA.

Thompson, J.A., E.M. Pena-Yewtukhiw, and J.H. Grove. 2006. Soil-landscape modeling across a physiographic region: topographic patterns and model transportability. Geoderma, 133:57-70.


Anderson, E.S., J.A. Thompson, and R.E. Austin. 2005. LIDAR data density and linear interpolation influence on elevation prediction estimates. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 26:3889-3900.

Thompson, J.A. and R.K. Kolka. 2005. Soil carbon storage estimation in a central hardwood forest watershed using quantitative soil-landscape modeling. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 69:1086-1093.


Abnee, A.C., J.A. Thompson, R.K. Kolka, E.M. D’Angelo, and M.S. Coyne. 2004. Landscape influences on potential soil respiration in a forested watershed of southeastern Kentucky. Environmental Management, 33 (Supplement 1):S160-S167.

Abnee, A.C, J.A. Thompson, and R.K. Kolka. 2004. Landscape modeling of in situ soil respiration in a forested watershed of southeastern Kentucky. Environmental Management, 33 (Supplement 1): S168-S175.

Coulter, C.B., R.K. Kolka, and J.A. Thompson. 2004. Water Quality in Rural, Urban and Mixed Use Watersheds. Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 40:1593-1601.

Grove, J.H., E.M. Pena-Yewtukhiw, and J.A. Thompson. 2004. Corn grain yield in rolling landscapes: Terrain attributes or surface soil properties? Proc. 8 th Int. Conf. Precision Agriculture. Minneapolis, Minnesota. July 25-28.


Pena-Yewtukhiw, E.M., J.H. Grove, and J.A. Thompson. 2003. Role of topography in the probability of response of no-till corn yield response to in-row fertilization. P. 51-58, Proc. Southern Plant Nutrient Management Conf. (CD-ROM), Olive Branch, MS. Oct. 7-8.


Pena-Yewtukhiw, E.M., J.H. Grove, and J.A. Thompson. 2002. Probability of response of no-till corn to in-row fertilization: role of topography in a karst landscape. Pp. 302-315 In P.C. Robert et al. (eds.) Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Precision Agriculture and Other Precision Resources Management.


Coulter, C. B., J. A. Thompson, and R. K. Kolka. 2001. Water quality implications of urban development in mixed-use watersheds. Proceedings, AWRA Annual Spring Specialty Conference, San Antonio, TX, April 30-May 2, 2001.

Pena-Yewtukhiw, E.M., J.H. Grove, J.A. Thompson, and C.E. Kiger. 2001. New technologies and analytical tools for fertilizer recommendations? Better Crops with Plant Food, 85:18-22.

Rhoades, C.C., R.K. Kolka, D.H. Graves, J.M. Ringe, J.W. Stringer and J.A. Thompson. 2001. Carbon sequestration on surface mine lands. Proceedings of the National Energy Technology Laboratory Conference on Regional Partnerships in Terrestrial Carbon Sequestration. Nov. 6-7, 2001, Lexington, KY.

Thompson, J.A. and J.C. Bell. 2001. Hydric soil indicators in Mollisol landscapes. Pp. 371-382. In Richardson, J.L., and M.J. Vepraskas (eds.). Wetland Soils: Their Genesis, Morphology, Hydrology, Landscapes, and Classification. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.

Thompson, J. A., J. C. Bell, and C. A. Butler. 2001. Digital elevation model resolution: Effects on terrain attribute calculation and quantitative soil-landscape modeling. Geoderma, 100:67-89.


Grove, J.H., E.M. Pena-Yewtukhiw, and J.A. Thompson. 2000. Spatially probabilistic evaluation of the benefit of starter fertilizer to no-till corn. Pp. 1-11 In P.C. Robert et al. (eds.) Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Precision Agriculture.


Wheeler, D.W., J.A. Thompson, and J.C. Bell. 1999. A laboratory comparison of soil redox conditions between red soils and brown soils in Minnesota, USA. Wetlands, 19:607-616


Thompson, J.A. and J.C. Bell. 1998. Hydric conditions and hydromorphic properties within a Mollisol catena in southeastern Minnesota. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J., 62:1116-1125.

Thompson, J.A., J.C. Bell, and C.W. Zanner. 1998. Hydrology and hydric soil extent within a Mollisol catena in southeastern Minnesota. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J., 62:1126-1133.


Thompson, J.A., J.C. Bell, and C.A. Butler. 1997. Quantitative soil-landscape modeling for estimating the areal extent of hydromorphic soils. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J., 61:971-980.


Bell, J.C., C.A. Butler, and J.A. Thompson. 1996. Soil hydrology and morphology of three Mollisol hydrosequences in Minnesota. In J. Wakely and S. Sprecher (eds.) Preliminary investigations of hydric soil hydrology and morphology in Alaska, Indiana, North Dakota, Minnesota, and Oregon. Wetlands Research Program Technical Report. U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, Waterways Experiment Station.

Thompson, J. A. and J. C. Bell. 1996. A color index for identifying hydric soil conditions in seasonally-saturated Mollisols. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J., 60:1979-1988.


Bell, J.C., C.A. Butler, and J.A. Thompson. 1995. Soil-terrain modeling for site-specific agricultural management. In P. C. Robert, R. H. Rust, and W. E. Larson (eds.) Site-specific management for agricultural systems. American Society of Agronomy, Madison, WI. pp. 209-228.

Bell, J.C., J.A. Thompson, and C.A. Butler. 1995. Morphological indicators of seasonally-saturated soils for a hydrosequence in southeastern Minnesota. Minn. Acad. Sci., 59(4):25-34.


Bell, J.C., J.A. Thompson, C.A. Butler, and K. McSweeney. 1994. Modeling soil genesis from a landscape perspective. Transactions of the 15th World Congress of Soil Science. Acapulco, Mexico. Vol. 6a:179-195. International Society of Soil Science.